2018년 2월 20일 화요일

30 things about me!

30 things about me (updated June 6th)

1. Streamer
Image result for youtube
Image result for twitch

In the recent decade, personal media, also known as streaming became the one part of the teenager's culture. I wasn't truly interested in that culture since I didn't have enough chance to access that culture and also I was more concentrated on having relationships with friends. After graduating the middle school, like other students in KMLA, I had more chances to experience the enjoyment of Youtube. Throughout Youtube, I knew some streamer who broadcast on Twitch, which is one of the most well-known streaming websites. That is my first moment with the personal media. Yet the society evaluated the personal media in the negative view, personal media gave me positive influences. I often watched the broadcast for the enjoyment but, sometimes, I learned lessons that affected my lifestyle. Currently, my primary goal during the gap year is to become a streamer and, in fact, I'm broadcasting a radio on Facebook.

2, 3. Cúig Rejon, Bloodmoon
Hmmm... Could you guess what are those? The answer is! Both two words are my pseudonym. 

Actually, Cúig Rejon is the name for the Facebook sub-account where I wrote numerous personal stories for my few close friends. The origin of the name is quite simple. Cúig Rejon is an anagram of my English name, Eric Joung. There were two major reasons I chose anagram for my pseudonym. First, once I saw the name, Bayle Toro, on Facebook. At the first moment, I think that account is just a funny and childish trick of certain KMLA students. Later on, I knew that Bayle Toro is an anagram of Albert Yoo, KMLA graduate in 18th wave. Inspired by his name, I spent almost one day to make an ideal combination of my alphabets. It seemed easy at the first moment, but making a new name with limited letters was complicated work. I should pronounce numerous acquired names to check whether they are able to pronounce like a real name or not. 

I used the second name more publicly. As you can surmise, the origin of the name is from the blood moon. Since KMLA students have to stay in the dormitory after 7 p.m., I had only a few chances to stay outside the dorm in the night during GLPS. One night during GLPS, while I was walking the road between Dasan and Chungmu building, I saw the blood moon. And I didn't know why I felt like that but, in my eyes, that blood moon was so large that I could compare the size of it with the dorm. In addition, that moon was beyond the expression of words. That must be the most attractive thing that I've ever seen in my life. 

Image result for bloodmoon

4. A mechanic
The term "Engineering" seems far away from me because of my main interest, history. And, actually, I have never learned physics in the school nor interested in engineering. But, precisely, I have a talent for repairing or utilizing machinery. Even though I can't understand the structure of the particular machine, I easily fixed the problem. Not only repairing types of machinery but also collecting and utilizing various kinds of devices is one of my favorites. As you can see in the picture (that is my room), I used several electronic devices such as computer monitor (a rare item in KMLA) and HDMI cable.

5. Riding a bike
Like a personal media that I mentioned before, there was a teenager's culture for riding a bike. Irrelevant from it, I used to ride a bike since I was young. But, I had never considered the bike as a hobby or sports. Rather I considered it as a transportation. That mindset was intensified when I had to ride a bike more than 20 minutes to go to school after the move. It was sudden that I felt the enjoyment of riding a bike. While passing the same road for about 6 months, I realized that I could climb the sharp slope without falling down the bike. Soon, I got used to riding a bike without grasping the handle. Those personal improvements inspired my passion for the bike. Along with the bike culture in school, I discussed a lot of things related to a bike with my friends and often had a trip to near city for bike during the weekend. After I have stayed in KMLA, I couldn't continue riding a bike regularly. But, still, I loved the unique feelings from riding a bike.

6. A stranger
My mom said that I was a timorous child like others. I was afraid of eating new types of food and approaching new things.