2017년 12월 3일 일요일


Topic: Plan your own funeral according to the 5'Ws. What's the mood? What's the music playlist? Who will recite the eulogy? Buried or burned? Kept in an urn or scattered? Where? Balloons? Pizza? Include a few excerpts of the eulogy.

Few days ago, on Tuesday, I went to the one of my uncle’s funeral. Unfortunately, gloomy atmosphere at ordinary style of funeral in Korea made me more depressed. All the black colors around me drove my emotion negatively. 
I understand how sad it is to lose loved one and I felt expressless grief over my uncle's death. But, I hope my funeral would conceptualize the term “small family party with full of happiness”. The reason why I choose "small family party" and "full of happiness" is I hope lots of mourner can remember Eric with good feelings, but not magnificently or gloomy. Surrounded with grieved black color and dark atmosphere, people are easily seized with the negative emotions like sadness, blaming oneself. That is not the funeral what I planned! Like a birthday party, with few balloons of various bright colors, family members and old friends who are smiling and laughing while remembering and sharing the memory with me… That scene would be the perfect first impression for the funeral plan.

I hope the mourners in the funeral can smile like the below picture. I would rather be live longer if the upper picture is my funeral.   

Since the concept of funeral is “small family party with full of happiness” and personally I'm a huge fan of EDM (Electronic Dance Music), my favorite music list of EDM would be the most adequate music. Rhythmical sound and the beat of the music will help people to overcome the loss. And, on that list, another song must be included in it. 
I always want to imagine “Welcome to the Black Parade” for the 1st funeral music playlist. Especially, I love the lyrics, “Would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned?”, which inspired me a lot and also brought my personal inner growth. 

Let's talk about the top event in the funeral, the eulogy, I hope my wife, if she is alive until my death, write and read it herself in front of the people. I’m not sure what will be the first statement of the eulogy, but the eulogy will remember the memory with her and me. “Sometimes, we are happy together, we fight together, we cry together, but we are always the one. And I knew him more than 50 years so, I will speak this last sentence instead of him. “Enjoy my funeral and don’t be too sad. Death is not the end. It is the gunshot of another race!”” With this phrase, my wife's voice will be stopped.
Burned would be the best last moment than buried. Since I was a child, I abhorred the tradition of burying. Also, I wondered the process of cremation, too. After the cremation process, scattering in the nature with the gorgeous landscape would be the next step. Among lots of nature, I choose the peaceful sea with an emerald wave in Maldive! How amazing place it is!
My uncle is no more than 52. He was too youthful to die. Death may be stay near you. But, death isn't the end. And the funeral is the start of the death, and the gateway for new life.

My Chemical Romance - Welcome to the Black Parade

댓글 1개:

  1. Sorry to hear about your uncle. Indeed 52 is too young and for me that isn't too far off, so it reminds me to make the most of "what is left," which nobody ever really knows. Nice writing and I like the "gunshot" sentence. Never thought of Chemical Romance as funeral music but good song.
